Health Tips健康贴士
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Sweating is the easiest way to detox: Cover your whole body with clothes & bound lightly on trampoline or any exercise. Then change clothes & dry up your body. Take shower only when body temperature become normal to prevent coldness goes in your body through opened pores.Don't let fan blows directly on your body at any times to prevent the intrusion of coldness.
流汗是最簡單的排毒方法:以衣服覆蓋全身並在彈簧床上輕彈跳或任何運動。,然後換衣服並抹乾身體。 體溫降到正常後才洗澡,以防止寒氣通過張開的毛孔進入體內。
流汗是最簡單的排毒方法:以衣服覆蓋全身並在彈簧床上輕彈跳或任何運動。,然後換衣服並抹乾身體。 體溫降到正常後才洗澡,以防止寒氣通過張開的毛孔進入體內。
Sleep with cold head & warm feet (wear socks). The feet are far from heart & coldness easy to invade. Warm feet can prevent sickness, strengthen body & delay aging; Cooled & calmed head, easier fall sleep.
睡眠要头冷脚热(穿襪子), 脚离心脏最远, 寒气易入侵,脚暖能祛病强身、延缓流衰老; 头部冷却,能轻松入睡。
睡眠要头冷脚热(穿襪子), 脚离心脏最远, 寒气易入侵,脚暖能祛病强身、延缓流衰老; 头部冷却,能轻松入睡。